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“The design intent was to create clear, definable circulation systems to orient patients, staff, and visitors beginning at the first entry to the site. Overhead glass-enclosed pedestrian bridges link the entire complex.”
Per the architect – ZGF (source here)
One of the first new hospital campuses in the Portland metro area in 30 years, this was a large-scale project at 469,000 sq. ft. (medical center) with over 189,000 sq. ft. of medical office buildings.
ZGF Architects used every opportunity to bring in natural light into the building and Stella was happy to collaborate with them to make this a reality. From the double-height lobby (with Stella Glass Fin System) to the glass-enclosed Stella Spider-supported pedestrian walkway, we were proud to work on this project over 17 years ago.
Project Recognition
Vancouver, WA
ZGF Architects
Structural Glass Wall Systems, Vestibule/Enclosure/Elevator
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